Who pays for Assistive Technology?

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Trying to figure out how to pay for Assistive Technology?

The answer depends on the technology, the use, and the user. Many kinds of AT may cost you little or nothing, even for some very expensive items. Some examples:

  • School systems pay for general special education learning materials as well as technology specified in an IEP.
  • Government programs (Social Security, veteran’s benefits, or state Medicaid agencies) pay for certain assistive technology if a doctor prescribes it as a necessary medical device.
  • Private health insurance pays for certain assistive technology if a doctor prescribes it as a necessary medical or rehabilitative device.
  • Rehabilitation and job training programs, whether funded by government or private agencies, may pay for assistive technology and training to help people get jobs.
  • Employers may pay for assistive technology that is a reasonable accommodation to enable an employee to perform essential job tasks.

Other sources of funds in states or communities include private foundations, charities, and civic organizations.
