AT Research Tools

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Reference Management Software

Search online bibliographic databases; organize references; format, share and publish bibliographic data and references.

Examples: EndNote

Comparison of research management software:

Diigo is a powerful on-the-fly reference management tool as well as a knowledge-sharing community:

Statistical Analysis Software

Use advanced mathematical and statistical facilities to frame predictive knowledge that can be applied to current practice to effect change; incorporates data mining, statistical analysis, descriptive and predictive analysis, charts and diagrams, etc.

Examples: Analyse-It

Comparisons of statistical analysis software:

Electronic Data Capture

Records data live during a trial on Internet-connected devices, through uploads of video or through manual entry from data sheets, then stores data in advanced databases, so that investigators, sponsors, research organizations and regulatory agencies can access and review study data sooner for earlier insight into the conduct of studies, enabling timely decisions during the clinical development cycle.

Examples: InForm:

Behavior Imaging Software

A video-based “capture and access” system for recording, annotating and communicating behavior data collected in classroom, home and clinic settings. Ideal for the care and treatment of persons with behavioral and mental disorders.

Example: BI capture tool

Qualitative Research Analysis Software

Tools used to develop projects and query data from interviews and other qualitative methods by importing, sorting and analyzing audio files, videos, digital photos and documents. Can set up analysis frameworks as a structure for managing information or jump straight to the data and work up findings, build reports and prepare presentations.

Examples: NVivo 8:

PC Survey Software Tools

Desktop or server-based software that generates an HTML web form that can be posted to a website. When a respondent submits a completed survey, typically the data is delivered to a designated email box. The tools process these emails and load the results in a database. Key advantages: (1) a one-time purchase cost—though you may need to buy upgrades and support; (2) faster processing, as you work on your computer or within a company network; (3) ability to post the survey to a company’s web server.

Examples: Survey Monkey:

Comparison of survey software tools:

Crowdsourcing Tools

An extrapolation of the concept known as “the wisdom of crowds,” the foundation for the development of Wikipedia and other Web 2.0 applications, which seeks to tap the knowledge and talents of a group in order to create content and solve problems. Engages the principles of open source development to advance other types of projects and efforts.

Example: Amazon Mechanical Turk (CrowdSourcing/Human Intelligence Task Manager):

Amazon Mechanical Turk (a description):